Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ICA-CP: 11/29/06

Good morning!

OK, this is amnesty day. Your programs are really, really due today. If you need more time, 403 will be open at lunch.

On Friday, we'll have a short quiz, and then will go over what the process for completing your final project will be.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

ICA CP 11/27/06

Good morning!

I am at the hospital today -- getting ready for my knee surgery next week. So, I won't be able to join our class either in person or online. I believe S. Pauline will be substituting today. I will be at our class on Weds. Brainfood is in the closet.

Today, your running Java programs for your version of Eliza are due. So, you have completed the algorithm. I have the pseudo-code for the following folks:

(Turned-in on time, 11/17)

(Turned-in late, 11/21, with a 10% point penalty)
Macrina (missing one emotion in your pseudo-code; be sure to put it in your program)
Christina (if your email name is ninacoca)

I'm missing pseudo-code from Fatima and Jimena. If you sent it to me, send it again to me at dlclingingsmith@gmail.com showing a date stamp of last week please. Also, if anyone who is on the late list above re-sends the email to me showing an 11/17 date stamp, I won't take the penalty points off your grade.

So back to today: Your running Java program needs to be emailed to me today also. Email your .java file from your project to dlclingingsmith@gmail.com. I'll compile it and run it from home. It must compile to be counted as turned-in! If it's late, there's a 10% point penalty.

For everyone whose pseudo-code I have, your programs look OK. Now, the challenge is to make it work in BlueJ or Jcreator. You have to focus on finding the problems that prevent the compiler from completing the compile operation. Some of the mistakes that have been turning-up so far include: missing semicolons at the end of command lines, mismatched braces and parenthesis, using the word string instead of String, using the word Import instead of import, etc. For hints, go back to a program that you did have working, like Parrot, to compare problem lines of code to ones you knew worked previously.

If I can, I'll phone-in sometime during your class. See you all on Wednesday!

Monday, November 20, 2006

ICA-CP: 11/21/06

Good afternoon!

First of all, your running Eliza programs are due today along with documentation for it. The documentation is a set of instructions on running your program, and includes the emotion words in your list. But, there is some fun also. After check-in, we will install Spark, and try some chat.

So, since GoToMeeting wouldn't let all 17 of us login at once, we will have our own chat server. This server is called ica-server5, and is a chat server set up at ICA just for us. To use it, we each have to install some software called Spark. Go to the R: drive under my name, look for a Spark subdirectory, then install the software there. Once Spark is installed on your computer, login. Your login is your name or nickname all in lower case. The password is spartans. The server is ica-server5. Once you are logged in, click on conference the join the ICA-CP chat room. The password for the chat room is brainfood.

See you in the chat room.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ICA-CP 11/17/06


Good afternoon from Reno!

Well, we can't have more than 10 people on Go To Meeting. So, we have to do something else. We'll try Go To Webinar. Getting into a meeting for a webinar is an extra step. First you have to register, then (2nd) you get an email with a link to login, So, to register, go here:


Fill in you name, and give an email address where you will be able to get the link. Alternatively, there will be a popup window with a link to the webinar. You can click on the link in the popup window.

From then on, it's an adventure for all of us. It will be the first time any of the 17 of us will be in a Go To Webinar meeting. (It may take more than 10 minutes to get online and do Check-In.)

Today's agenda is:

1) Check-In through Go To Meeting (15 min. or maybe more - Participation points: 10 maximum)
2) Work on pseudo-code and actual code. (55 min)
3) Check-Out through Go To Meeting (10 min. - Participation points: 10 maximum)

See you online! (May dad is doing much better now in the hospital today. I'm using the wireless in the hospital library to do our class. Thank you for all of your good thoughts and caring!)

REMINDER: Your pseudo-code is due to me in email today by 3:05 PN. Email to me at dlclingingsmith.gmail.com. If I don't get it there, you don't get credit.

MOST IMPORTANT REMINDER: Brain food is in the closet on the bottom shelf. Ask S. Pauline to open the door for you.

ICA-CP: 11/15/06

Good afternoon!

Today, we have a lot to do. Since everyone seems to be stuck on how to start their pseudo-code, we'll work on that together for a while right after check-in. Your pseudo-code is due by the end of next class on Friday. That doesn't mean you wait until Friday to start working on it! Also, the following Tuesday, 11/21/06, your working program and documentation are due. So our agenda for today is:

1) Check-in (5 min.)
2) Work on pseduo-code together (20 min.)
3) Go To Meeting (15 min.)
4) Work on your pseudo-code (40 min)

My father had a heart attack Friday while he was visiting Reno (if you're really, really interested in his progress, you can see our family blog at chee-family.blogspot.com). So, I'll be teaching our Friday class online from the hospital in Reno. To practice, we are going online today. Here's the info for Go To Meeting:

Please join my meeting, Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time at
Conference Call: We will be using the speaker phone in the room.
Meeting ID: 639-088-488

On Friday, we will do check-in online, in Go To Meeting. There will be new link posted for the Friday online meeting. Check our class blog for the link. You will be at school working on your pseudo-code. Once you finish the pseudo-code, go directly to the next phase and write your program in BlueJ or JCreator. Remember: the working program and the documentation on how to use it are due on Tuesday! I will be online, and hopefully, on the phone to answer questions.

Please note: Since I will be elsewhere on Friday, you pseudo-code must be emailed to me by the end of class on 11/17/06. Email your pseudo-code to: debbie@clingingsmith.org

Now, let's try Go To Meeting!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

ICA-CP 11/10/06 - Quiz and more Eliza

Good morning!

Be sure to read everything before taking the quiz today, please!

We're trying an online quiz this morning at a web site called Quia. To test out your login, go to this link and take the Try Out: http://www.quia.com/quiz/869200.html
Enter your first and last name, and the secret word of: spartans

When you are ready for the quiz, go to this link: http://www.quia.com/quiz/869196.html
The secret word is: spartans. Your login is your first name + your last name + 557, and all in lower case. For example, my login is debbieclingingsmith557. The quiz is activated at the Quia web site between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM on 11/10/06 only. Once you login and start the quiz, Quia is set up to allow 30 minutes to take it. There are 40 points: 10 T/F questions at 1 point each, 10 fill-in questions at points each, and 1 essay question using SEXI for 10 points.

So today, we'll spend some time doing Q & A for the quiz. After you're done with the quiz, work on your Eliza program. You should be working on pseudo-code or real Java code by now.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

OOP Slide Set Link


Here is a link to the Powerpoint presentation we viewed in class today:

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ICA-CP 11/8/06

Good morning!

Reminder to seniors who went on the retreat: Your homework, worth 30 points, is due at the beginning of class on Friday. You must do podcast evaluations on the 5 applet podcasts. (Applet podcasters: your podcast is worth 30 points.)

Today, we do a quiz review and also go over some new concepts, hardware computer components. The quiz on Friday will be closed book. It will cover IS-A, HAS-A, polymorphism, inheritance, data types, classes, applets, and computer hardware components. It will be administered online through a web site.

After the quiz review, work on you Eliza algorithm and pseudo-code. The algorithm is the set of instructions for your Eliza program. For example, step 1: print a greeting to the user and instructions for using the progran; step 2: ask the user's name; step 3: print replies to the user's words until the user types "Done." Whatever steps you will have in your program is what is detailed in the algorithm. Some due dates: Your algorithm is due on Friday, 11/10/06. The pseudo-code is due on Thursday, 11/16/06. Your running Java code and documentation are due on Tuesday, 11/21/06. If you're late in submitting work for a particular due date, 10% of the points for that part of the project are deducted automatically. On blue days, the room 403 computer lab will be open during lunch if you need extra time. After the Thanksgiving break, we start working on our semester project and will do Phase 2 of your Eliza program. So, we need all of the time before finals for our projects and Eliza Phase 2.

ICA-CP Info: Classes, inheritance, and polymorphism

We talked about IS-A and HAS-A relationships in Java today using ICA as an example.

ICA is a superclass (or parent) for Class07, Class08, and Class2011 (which are subclasses or child classes). Each of the classes has attributes which describe the class. For example, the parent class of ICA has attributes of Teachers, Uniform, Mascot Sports, Classes, Colors, and Students. The child classes inherit those attributes. However, the child classes may have attributes which override the inherited classes as well as additional attributes. For example, the seniors (Class07) and juniors (Class06) each have attributes of class sweater which override the regular burgundy sweater inherited as part of the uniform from the parent, ICA. They also have class ring attributes which do not exist in the parent, ICA. The relationship between parent and child classes is called an IS-A relationship. For example, Class06 IS-A ICA, and Class07 IS-A ICA. The classes have attributes which describe the class. The relationship between a class and its attributes is a HAS-A relationship. For example, we would say that Class06 HAS-A class sweater, and Class07 HAS-A class ring. To summarize: HAS-A refers to attributes; IS-A refers to the relationship of subclass to superclass. Having an IS-A relationship implies that the subclass inherits attributes from the superclass. In our Java programs, attributes often become variable names. Attributes may also become names of methods.

We can talk about next school year's incoming freshman, Class2011. We know they will inherit attributes from the parent class, ICA, such as Teachers, Uniform, Mascot, Sports, Students, Colors, and Cafeteria. We know that they will have additional attributes of Big Sisters, Orientation Day, Frosh Folly, Wel Dinner, Colors, Song, and Welcome Dinner. However, we don't yet have any students in the Class of 2011. We don't have "real" students yet. When we do, we instantiate an object in Class2011. Until that time when we have an actual person in Class2011, the Java class of Class2011 is just a template. Another example is a recipe for Brownies. The recipe is the template, the description of the brownie. Once we make and bake the brownies, we instantiate them. We make them "real." Just like you can't eat a brownie until you actually make the recipe, we cannot instantiate a class until we have a real object in the class created by using the new Java command. An example of using the new command to instantiate an object is the following line we used in our Parrot class:

KeyboardReader new rr;

The keyword new creates space in the memory of a computer. So, a brief survey of computer components:
Memory - is like our memory
Central Processor Unit or Microprocessor - is like our brain
Input/Out Devices - are like our senses. Examples of Input devices are webcam, keyboard, mouse, and microphone. Examples of Output devices are speakers and monitors. Hard drives (which is extra storage in addition to Memory), touch screens, and flash disks are example of Input and Output devices. When Java programs run, space is created for them in memory. When we use the Java command new to instantiate an object, a spot in the space reserved for Java programs is created in the computer's memory.

Monday, November 06, 2006

ICA-CP 11/6/06

Good morning!

Seniors who were on the retreat: you have homework. Your homework is to listen to the 5 podcasts made just for you by our class members who did not go on the retreat. For the line-by-line code evaluation, go to the R drive under my name, then 4th Period Work --> applets podcasts to find the Java applets source code for each podcast. For each podcast, complete an evaluation sheet. The homework is due on Friday.

All: Today we will review class and object oriented programming concepts (IS-A, HAS-A, etc.) Then, we'll spend some time evaluating podcasts. For this exercise, make a double-sided printout of the podcast evaluation form that is on the R drive. Use it to evaluate one of your own podcasts.

To the applets podcasters: I need to have the applet code file that you used for your podcast. Please put it on the R drive under my name in 4th Period Work --> applets podcasts. Name it your names, for example Millie and Catie applets.doc, so it can be matched to your podcast explanation.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

ICA-CP Info: Applets podcasts

While seniors were on their retreat, the juniors + 1 senior made podcasts to explain applets. Here are their podcasts made just for you!

The Java code for the applet may be found here: http://lesson.taskstream.com/lessonbuilder/v.asp?LID=foz3c0hyc0cucafu

Millie and Catie

powered by ODEO

Olivia and Danielle

powered by ODEO

Suelen and Jimena

powered by ODEO

Christina and Leslie

powered by ODEO

Alicia and Fatima

powered by ODEO

Thursday, November 02, 2006

ICA-Summary: Applet class notes for SEXI podcast

Applet info:

1) Written in Java
2) Runs in a web browser
3) Platform independent (run on a cell phone, MAC, PC, etc.)

1) Doesn't need a main method; uses a browser to start execution
2) Embedded (or encapsulated) in html, which stands for hypertext markup language. Html is the language used to make web sites
3) Animations
4) Sounds
5) Is copied over the Internet to the local computer
6) May use Java libraries of applets
7) Use reserved word code = instead of import
8) Html reserved words come in pairs between greater-than and less-than signs, with the closing pair starting with a slash. Exemplify
1) Library, lake.class, used to make picture reflections (Halloween pictures)
2) Lake.class has parameters which may make the picture optionally rock up and down, change the size of the canvas, or appear as if the picture is viewed from underwater.

1) Copied over Internet to local computer -> like hitchhiking or piggybacking
2) Embedded or encapsulated in html --> like a box inside a box inside a box

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

ICA-CP 11/2/06 - Applet podcast

Good morning!

We have a mission to accomplish today. For those on the senior retreat, we are going to make podcasts which explain what an applet is and how to use them. So, your podcast for today should use SEXI to define an applet. There are some short definitions at this web site: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&hs=tPB&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official_s&defl=en&q=define:Applet&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title

For your example, choose a picture and use it with lake.class. Then do a line by line explanation of your html code. It should be short -- only about 10 lines of code.

Once you finish your podcast, we need to link it to the class blog so everyone may access it.