Thursday, November 02, 2006

ICA-Summary: Applet class notes for SEXI podcast

Applet info:

1) Written in Java
2) Runs in a web browser
3) Platform independent (run on a cell phone, MAC, PC, etc.)

1) Doesn't need a main method; uses a browser to start execution
2) Embedded (or encapsulated) in html, which stands for hypertext markup language. Html is the language used to make web sites
3) Animations
4) Sounds
5) Is copied over the Internet to the local computer
6) May use Java libraries of applets
7) Use reserved word code = instead of import
8) Html reserved words come in pairs between greater-than and less-than signs, with the closing pair starting with a slash. Exemplify
1) Library, lake.class, used to make picture reflections (Halloween pictures)
2) Lake.class has parameters which may make the picture optionally rock up and down, change the size of the canvas, or appear as if the picture is viewed from underwater.

1) Copied over Internet to local computer -> like hitchhiking or piggybacking
2) Embedded or encapsulated in html --> like a box inside a box inside a box


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