Friday, August 29, 2008

Question of the Week due 9/5/08

Question of the Week due 9/5/08
Background: When voters go to the polls in November, computer based polling machines will be used in many locales. However, there are concerns about using them. Some say the voting machines can be hacked, and the wrong person may win because fake votes are counted. With paper votes, the tallies may be counted and re-counted. However, with computer voting machines, there is no way to verify the vote was tallied correctly after the voter leaves the booth. There are lots of concerns that cheating may occur undetected or that voters may become confused in using the machines. Here are some links with more info:

Question(s) of the Week
What do you think could be done to ensure computer voting is safe and truly reflects how voters voted? Would you advocate going back to paper ballots everywhere in the USA? What do you see as the future of computer based voting? Right now, voters go to a polling place to cast their ballots. What if voters could use cell phones to cast ballots. What if, for example, ICA students could elect class and ASB officers using cell phones? What might be some of the safety, as well as convenience, issues?

posted by Debra at 10:52 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ICA-CP 8/29/08

Good morning!

Today we will go over our next programming assignment and write the algorithm for it. The assignment is to write a program which takes every word typed by a user and prints it back to the screen, similar to the way in which parrots repeat words people say. Our parrot programming exercise is worth 25 points and is due by the end of class on Friday, September 4th. After we write our Parrot Program algorithm, we will take the quiz. The quiz is not online this time, but a paper and pencil exam. For the quiz, you may use your notes (but no one else's notes, including no photocopies of other's notes). If you finish the quiz before the end of class, you may work on this week's Question of the Week, the newly posted Question of the Week due next Friday, or on the extra credit tutorial on Variables. One more item: we will complete the online quiz that we didn't take take today on next Friday.

CP Calendar Update:
8/27/08 by 5:00 PM - This week's Question of the Week is due
9/4/08 by 6:00 PM - Next week's Question of the Week is due.
9/4/08 during class - Online quiz

Extra Credit: Java tutorial on variables

The Java programming language was invented by engineers at Sun Microsystems. Sun has free tutorials to learn Java. I suggest you go through as many of these tutorials as you are able. The web site is:

For extra credit, complete the tutorial on Variables at this link: Read the sections on Primitive Data Types, Arrays, and Summary of Variables. Complete the Questions and Exercises section at this link:

To receive credit for yor work, print the questions and write your answers on the printout AND show Mrs. Clingingsmith that your programs for the two exercise questions work by running your programs and printing out the Java program code for her.

This extra credit is work 50 points if completed during Q1. What could you do with 50 points? Well, you could trade your extra credit points for two questions of the week assignments. You could raise your grade. You could substitute them for a future quiz.

Monday, August 25, 2008

8/25/2008 - First Program

Good morning!

Today we are going to experience a landmark event! TODAY we are running our first Java programs.

First, some concepts:

1) We will use the CASE method, better known as code reusability.

2) Even though we use the case method, each of you needs to use critical thinking skills to understand what your Java programs are doing.

Next, the instructions to create, compile, and run your first program are in a Acrobat Reader file located on the R drive in Clingingsmith,Debbie\Computer Programming Class\HelloWorld. The name of the file is: HelloWorld Instrictions.pdf

You must go to this link to get the code for one of the steps:

Once you have successfully run your first program (CONGRATULATIONS!), get one of our Fundementals of Java books and create a program similar to the one on page 35. You may be as creative as you wish. But, print your best picture for me.

So, what you should turn into me today: a printout of your best "Hello Java" picture for me. Make sure your name is on your printout. Save the Word file with your picture on your flash drive. Name it "First Program Output."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Question of the Week 2 - Due 8/29/08 by 5:00 PM

Politicians have always relied on communications with voters. This year, four of the presidential candidates are using mobile technology to keep in touch with their supporters. For example, Obama will be texting his supporters with the name of his Vice Presidential running mate -- even before he announces his choice to the press. Using the Internet to stay in touch with constituents is now mandatory for politicians in the USA. In countries where political information is censored, the Internet and especially text messaging are used to bypass governmental censorship. Here are a few articles:

Question(s) of the Week:
What role do you think mobile messaging, both the Internet on PDAs and iPhones as well as text messaging, will play in the U.S. presidential campaign in the upcoming months? Do you think that campaigning for student body and class officer elections at ICA would/should ever include test messaging? Do you think texting and the Internet aids or hinders democracy in international politics?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Class Info: Algorithm definition

State: An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions to accomplish a task
Elaborate: We use algorithms often. If we microwave a dinner, we follow steps to take it out of the box, put it in the microwave, etc. In the case of computers and computer programs, instructions need to be very detailed. When we write a computer program, first we create the algorithm (or step-by-step instructions). Then we code the algorithm into a computer language.
eXemplify: An example of an algorithm is a recipe for cooking brownies. The recipe gives us a list of needed ingredients (or given materials) and a set of step-by-step instructions for using the ingredients. In the case of a computer program, we are given the start or beginning state (like being given a list of ingredients) and then create the step-by-step list of instructions.
Illustrate: Creating an algorithm is like planning a party. First we decide on the basic givens: who is hosting the party; where it is to be held; and who is to be invited. Then, we create the step-by-step list of activities needed to make the party successful: buying food, getting music, inviting guests, etc.


State: SEXI is an acronym for a four-step process which stands for State, Elaborate, eXemplify, and Illustrate.
Elaborate: SEXI is a thinking tool created by the Foundation for Critical Thinking at Sonoma State University. For more information on the foundation, here is their web site: In the State step 1, we give a summary or short definition of the concept. In the Elaborate step 2, we give more details. With eXemplify in step 3, we provide examples of the concept. With step 4, Illustrate, we give analogies using words "like" and "as." An example of an illustration is "Life is like a box of chocolates."
eXemplify: As an example, I could use SEXI to explain Walk-A-Thon to an 8th grader. (State) At ICA, we have a year fundraiser called the Walk-A-Thon. (Elaborate) The whole school participates in the Walk-A-Thon. We walk different routes, which in the past have included walking through Golden Gate Park. To raise money, each student gets sponsors to donate for each mile walked or for completing the whole course. The classes compete against each other to see who raises the most money. In the past, we have used the money raised to buy computers for student use at school. (eXemplify) For example, last year we walked through Golden Gate Park, and raised almost $1300.00 for ICA. (Illustrate) The ICA Walk-A-Thon is like an aerobic workout for a good cause: we raise our fitness levels and money for the school at the same time.
Illustrate: Knowing how to use SEXI is like knowing how to use an iPod, Windows Media Player, and a radio. We want to listen to music, but we have different choices in making it happen. With SEXI, we have another way of explaining ideas.

Class Info: Flash Disk Policy and Setting Up Your Flash Disk

Flash Disk Policy
Your flash disk is for backing up programming files in the Computer Programming class primarily. It is not for storing music or pictures. It is for your Java programs and other assignments. You may use your flash disk for work in other classes. However, if you run out of room, you must erase other class work in order to make room for computer programming work.

The flash disks have 256 megabytes of space and cost $12.00 in the Spartan Store. You are required to bring your flash disk to every class. If you lose your flash disk or destroy, you must replace it. The first one is being given to you as part of your computer programming class supplies.

Care of Your Flash Disk
Your flash disk is an electronic device. Electronic devices to not like water, soda, dirt, or food in or on them. Please keep it away from sodas, especially.

When you plug your USB flash disk into a computer running Windows XP or Vista, the computer should automatically recognize and make it ready for use. The indicator light should be lit. Like plugging-in an iPod or digital camera, you should see little messages display on the monitor indicating that the computer found the device. Once all of the messges stop displaying, your flash disk should be ready to use. You may find it in My Computers.

When you are ready to disconnect your flash drive, you MUST eject it first. You can tell if the flash drive is ejected if the light is not lit. If you don't eject your flash drive, you run the risk of blowing it up! To eject your flash drive, open the My Computer icon with a left click. Find the flash drive icon. Right click on the flash drive icon, and a drop down menu should appear. Select Eject from the menu. Once the computer is finished with the eject process, the light on the flash drive should be off, and the name in My Computer should display Removeable Disk.

Renaming Your Flash Drive
To rename your flash drive, open the My Computer icon with a left click. Find the flash drive icon. Right click on the flash drive icon, and a drop down menu should appear. Select Rename from the menu. The name box for the flash drive will change to allow you to type a new name. Use your last name as the new name for your flash drive.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

8/19/08 - Class summary on Pair Drawing exercise

Today, we did a pair drawing exercise. First, each student drew two faces by herself in one minute. Then, two students drew one face in a minute. We found that the faces drawn by a team of two were more interesting, as well as more fun to draw. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of Pair Drawing we identified:

More interesting
More details
More fun (social)\
Get to comrpomise
More ideas
More creative

Space was tight for two people drawing
Had to wait for other person
Uneven amount of work done by partners
Distracted by socializing
Differing opinions

For more information on Pair Drawing, see this web site:

Blog Evaluation Criteria

You will receive a maximum of 25 points for you Question of the Week answers. The criteria are based on this link:

Question of the Week - Due 8/22/08 by 5:00 PM

Background Info:
Is your email safe? You have a password right? You have a login right? The encryption is turned on for logging in, right? Well, think again. Your email may not be safe. Why? Because prying eyes can capture the packets that travel between your computer and Yahoo or Hotmail or Gmail -- and read your email! I can read your email!!! How? You can pay web sites to hack email passwords for you -- or do it for free yourself. Employers routinely, and legally, read employees email. Read some of the articles linked below:

Question(s) of the Week
Is it ever ethical to read someone else's, like a student's or an employee's, email? What kinds of software measures can you take to make sure only you can read your email? Would you read you neighbor's email packets if you knew how to capture and read them on Comcast? What if it was your best friend or your boyfriend's email?

Think about this carefully. Your response of at least 250 words is due in your blog by Friday at 5:00 PM.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

8/15/2008 - Welcome to Computer Programming!

Welcome to the first meeting of our computer programming class!

I'm sorry that I can't be with you today for our first (and only) 15 minute class. My father is in the hospital in Sacramento, and I am staying with him. But, I will be with you next week.

We will be doing a lot of fun things in our class. We will learn how pair programming works. We will work in programming teams for some projects, and by ourselves for others. We will program Karel the Robot as well as Motorola Razr cell phones -- all in a computer programming language called Java.

Your grade for the class will be a combination of programming projects, tests (some online), written homework, and analyses of computer technology topics in the news called the (Question of the Week). Each week you will have to post your thoughtful opinions and research about a Question of the Week in your blog. Occasionally, there will be written homework assignments. Here is how your quarter and semester grades will be calculated:

40% Computer programming projects
30% Question of the week analyses in your blog
20% Tests on computer programming concepts
10% Written homework assignments

We will learn how to program in the Java computer programming language in order to complete our computer programming projects. We will start with the traditional first program which every programmer writes called "Hello World!" For the Question of the Week, you must respond to a topic I choose each week in your blog. Your response is due on Friday of each week by 5:00 PM. Each Question of the Week blog must be at least 250 words long and will be worth 25 points maximum. We will talk more about grading your blogs next week. For tests, you will be able to use your notes. So, take good notes! We will always have a review day before a test.

All news and annoucements, summaries of programming concepts, and class decisions will be posted in our class blog. Our class blog is this one, located at So, be sure to check the class blog at the beginning of each class.

First Assignment worth 10 points
For your first class and homework assignment, which is worth 10 points, you are to create a blog account at, post your first blog entry, and mail the address to me. My email address is: In your first blog entry, you could tell me what you think computer programming is like, post a good technology joke, or tell me about something in computer technology you find interesting (example, computer monitors sewn into your clothes that let you change the colors of your attire at This assignment is due on Tuesday, 8/19/08, by 5:00 PM. After reading this class blog entry, go to and start the process of creating your account.

Even though I'm not there with you, I'm thinking about all of you! I'll see you next week!

Mrs. Clingingsmith