Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Question of the Week: Due 5/1/2009

[The Question of the Week is due on Friday, 5/1/2009 by 5:00 PM. It should be at least 250 words in length. Include two research links that lend support to your answer. ]

Background: Freedom of speech versus Copyright! Do you own an ipod, itouch, or iphone? Do you want to have the freedom to choose tunes from vendors in addition to Apple? Then listen up! A web site called OdioWorks posted instructions on using programs other than iTunes with Apple products. Apple threatend to sue them under current copyright laws. So, OdioWorks took down their instructions, but is suing Apple. They maintain that Apple is infringing on their freedom of speech. For more info, see Slashdot's article: http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/28/141259

Question: Do you think that Apple is defending their rights under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act? Or, are they excercising illegal censorship? You own the hardware. What are your rights?

ICA-CP: 4/28/2009

Good morning!

I'm glad to be back after being ill. I hope everyone worked on getting games to run on the Razr cell phone and finished their ringtones. We will spend some more time on those labs today, after our Fast Food quiz. The quiz is linked at this web site: http://www.quia.com/quiz/1807372.html

Friday, April 24, 2009

ICA-CP: 4/24/2009 - Putting more games on MotoDev

I'm at home today, sick. So, you are in Roneisha's care four our class meeting. You already have one assignment, to create two ringtones for the Razr. One of the tones is your voice and the other is a music clip. Once you get your ringtones made into an MP3, have Roneisha initial the checklist. Then, once you are done with the ringtones, I want you to go onto the Internet and find 3 free games for a Java mobile phone. Make them play in the MotoDev simulator, and get Roneisha to initial the checklist for each game. You are looking for a game file with a .jad extension to download. When you download the .jad file, be sure to remember where in the file system you stored it. You will have to know where it is stored in order to run it in MotoDev. Once you are finished with the games, install JadMaker on your PC. (See instructions below.) Read the instructions on making a JAD file (remember, a JAD file is a Java program that runs on a cell phone) in JadMaker. Convert your Eliza program into a JAR file in BlueJ. Then, use JadMaker to make a JAD file and run it in MotoDev.

Installing and Running JadMaker
Go to the R drive and copy (do not move!) the JadMaker folder to your PC. Go into the JadMaker folder and double click the JadMaker.exe file to run the program. To make a JAD file from you JAR file, open a My Computer screen and navigate to the location of your Eliza JAR file. Drag and drop your JAR file into the JadMaker screen. It will make the JAD for you and will store it in the same folder as your JAR file.

Making a JAR in BlueJ
Open your Eliza project in BlueJ. Compile it. Then, click Project --> Create Jar File. A display screen opens. Put checkmarks in all of the boxes in the Include User Libraries portion the screen, then c;ick the Continue button. A screen appears to name your file and to store it in a folder. Pick a name and remember where you saved it. BlueJ will automatically put a .jar file extension on your file name.

Running a JAD in MotoDev
Here's a reminder on how to run a game in MotoDev: At the top of the Launchpad screen, there is a field called Select JAD file. Click the browse button and go to the folder where you stored your game file with the .jad extension. Select the .jad file and run it by clicking the right arrow icon. You should see a simulation of a Razr cell phone. Figure out which buttons to click on the Razr picture to run the program.

Download and print a copy of the checklist here. You will receive 10 points for installing JadMaker, 10 points for converting your Eliza to a JAD file, 10 points for running Eliza in MotoDev, 10 points for each game and 10 points for each ringtone for a total of 80 points.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ICA-CP: 4/22/09 MotoDev

Happy Earth Day!

Today, we continue with making two ringtones for a Razr cell phone. One ringtone is your voice telling someone to answer the phone. The other ringtone is music.

After you make your two ringtones, we need to install the MotoDev programmer's software. Please follow the steps below very carefully.

Step 1) Copy (do not move them) these two folders from the R drive to your desktop: 1-Motorola USB Handset Driver and 2-MotoDev SDK.

Step 2) Go into the 1-Motorola USB Handset Driver folder and run the Handset_USB_Driver_32_v3.4.0.msi install file.

Step 3) Go into the 2-MotoDev SDK folder and run the MOTODEV_SDK_for_Java_ME_2.0.0_Windows.exe install file.

Step 4) Run the MotoDev Studio software in Start --> All Programs --> MOTODEV Studio.

Step 5) Once the MotoDev Studio Launchpad displays, which shows you are running the software, go to the Select Handset list, scroll down, and select MOTORAZRV3. (Do not select MOTORAZRV3i or MOTORAZRV3xx!)

Step 6) Now you are ready to run programs on MotoDev Studio. At the top of the Launchpad screen, there is a filed called Select JAD file. Click the browse button and go to this Fully Qualified Path Name (FQPN): C:\Program Files\Motorola\MOTODEV SDK for Java ME v2\JMESDK\demos\Bounce\deployed. Select Bounce.jad and run it by clicking the right arrow icon. You should see a simulation of a Razr cell phone. Figure out which buttons to click on the Razr picture to run the program.

Step 7) Go back to the Launchpad. Select this FQPN: C:\Program Files\Motorola\MOTODEV SDK for Java ME v2\JMESDK\demos\PaddleBall\deployed and run PaddleBall.jad.

Step 8) Go back to the Launchpad. Select this FQPN: C:\Program Files\Motorola\MOTODEV SDK for Java ME v2\JMESDK\demos\Tutorials\deployed and run Tutorials.jad. Run all 6 lessons in the tutorial.

Be sure to get a sign-off on the MotoDev Familiarization Checklist handout. All eight of these steps are also on your checklist.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Question of the Week: Due 4/24/09

[The Question of the Week is due on Friday, 4/24/2009 by 5:00 PM. It should be at least 250 words in length. Include two research links that lend support to your answer. ]

Question of the Week by Aoife:


The above link will take you to a story of a couple who is suing Google. They’re saying that because Google took pictures of their property for the Google feature “Street View” and the public is now able to view their home that their privacy is being invaded. Websites that allow the public to access images and information that a specific individual did not post themselves are commonplace now. Is this an invasion of privacy? What other types of information are we able to access online about people or their property without their knowledge? How much of this information does the person post online themselves and how much are they unaware of? What are the benefits of making such an abundant amount of information available online; is this worth giving up privacy? Add at least two links to support your answer.

ICA-CP: 4/20/2009 - Sweet Tooth Factory and Razr Cell Phones

Good morning!

Welcome back from Easter break. Today, we will go over a new class diagram, called Sweet Tooth Factory. This is in preparation for your quiz on Friday. On Friday for the quiz, you will be asked to analyze a different class diagram, called Fast Food. How you analyze Fast Food class for the quiz will be very similar to our analysis of the Sweet Tooth Factory today. So, take good notes. For the Friday quiz, you will be allowed only the Sweet Tooth Factory handout upon which you have taken notes today. Also, the Friday quiz will include questions on the Microsoft Windows file system.

We will also start working with the Razr cell phones. The first exercise for the Razrs is to create your own ring tones then load them onto a phone. The first ringtone will be your own voice telling you to answer the phone. The second ringtone will be a short 10 second music clip. To create these two MP3 files. You need to follow the steps in this slide set: http://www.slideshare.net/dlclingingsmith/podcasting-basics?from=email&type=share_slideshow&subtype=slideshow

So here are the steps:
1) Watch the slideshow
2) Use Audacity to make your two MP3 files. (Skip the Upload to Odeo and the Display in a blog or web site steps.)
3) Install the Motorola software.
4) Load your two MP3 files on the Razr and play them.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

ICA-CP: 4/8/09 - Game classes, Jeliot, and file systems

Good morning!

We will go over our game classes then learn about file systems and Jeliot. Jeliot is a computer animation of running Java program(s). Will will be installing Jeliot today. Here is some info about file systems using SEXI.

State: A file system is a way in which files and folders are organized on a hard drive. A hard drive is designated by a letter followed by a colon, or ":", followed by a folder name. The name of the very top folder is root, and it is represented by the first backslash ("\") in the name.

Elaborate: A file system may exist only on your computer. Or, it may include shared folders that are on other computers on your network. A file system consists of folders, which are subdirectories, and files. File have a name followed by a period followed by a file extension. Common file extensions are: doc, mp3, avi, xls, txt, java, class, jar, jpg, gif, exe, dat, and ppt. For a list of file extensions with their applications, see Wikipedia at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats_(alphabetical). An example of a hard drive name is: C:\

eXemplify: Your local disk on your computer is usually the "C" drive, and the root of C is represented as: C:\ The "R" drive is another drive, but it is on the network. It's FQFN, or Fully Qualified File Name, is \\Ica-server3\student data\ where \\Ica-server3\ is the name of the computer where it resides. So, for the Jeliot installation program for example, the FQFN for it is: \\Ica-server3\student data\Clingingsmith,Debbie\Jeliot Install\Jeliot3.7.2.exe\ where Jeliot3.7.2.exe is the name of the file and the rest of the information in the FQFN are folders or subdirectories along the way.

Illustration: A file system is like and upside down tree with nodes. A FQFN is like a path through the tree to a destination.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Question of the Week: Due 4/10/2009

[The Question of the Week is due on Friday, 4/10/2009 by 5:00 PM. It should be at least 250 words in length. Include two research links that lend support to your answer. ]

Background: The country of Thailand opened up a web site to report those who criticize the king.Here is one article: http://royalnews.wordpress.com/2009/02/06/thai-government-launches-website-to-protect-king/. Here's a link to the BBC report: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7871748.stm.

Since the Yale University Press has criticized the Thai King, it is now one of the web sites banned in Thailand. Here's a link to the article: http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/16412?badlink=1

Question(s): In the USA, the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech. Do you think the US government would ever do what is being done in Thailand? Why do you think the Thai government really wants to block web sites? Should the UN or some other world organization withhold monetary aid to Thailand for blocking free speech web sites? Since it is against the law in Thailand for a web site to criticize the king, do you think a Thai citizen in the USA should be prosecuted for violating the law? Do you think a U.S. citizen in the USA should be prosecuted for violating the law? What are the implications of controlling the flow of information on the Internet into or out of a country?

ICA-CP: 4/6/2009

Good morning!

Today we are going to talk about Myers-Briggs and go over the classes for our games. Below are some resources for Myers-Briggs:

http://www.typelogic.com/fa.html -- Click on your type at the bottom of the page to get more information

http://www2.gsu.edu/~dschjb/wwwmbti.html -- Myers-Briggs and learning styles

Thursday, April 02, 2009

ICA-CP: 4/2/2009 - Re-take Datatypes Quiz

Good morning!

Here's the link to the datatypes link: http://www.quia.com/quiz/1753306.html

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

ICA-CP: Question of the Week due 4/3/2009

[The Question of the Week is due on Friday, 4/3/2009 by 5:00 PM. It should be at least 250 words in length. Include two research links that lend support to your answer. ]

Background: Google turned on CADIE yesterday. Cadie is an artificial intelligence computer program capable of creating her own web site. For Cadie's "birth" announcement, posted a second before midnight, see this link: http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/cadie/index.html
To see Cadie's web site that she herself designed, go here: http://cadiesingularity.blogspot.com/ See Cadie's YouTube videos here: http://www.youtube.com/cadiesingularity Part of Cadie is a chatterbot. For info on chatterbots, here's a link: http://knol.google.com/k/william-wynn/chatterbot/3fegkfxlkmrqb/2# You can use Cadie to answer your email automatically through a feature called Autopilot. The link to Autopilot is here: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/autopilot/index.html. There is also a reference to Eliza at that link. Cadie is supposed to be better than Eliza at passing the Turing test, a test for "humanness."

Question(s): If you did not know Cadie was a program, and the only contact you had was through the Internet, would you think that Cadie is human (maybe a young kid)? Based on your experience with Cadie, do you think artificial intelligence programs will act as if the were fully human in the future? (Support your answer with at least two research links.) If yes, what is to prevent governments from giving them citizenship rights? What is to prevent Cadie from taking over the Internet? (Or, is this all just an April Fool's day joke? Discuss the intricacies of online April's Fool's Day jokes, with google in particular, if that's your conclusion.)