Friday, August 28, 2009

ICA-CP: 8/28/09 - Our First Program

Good morning!

We have a lot to do today! First, we are doing usability testing of your candy algorithm from last class. We'll do a Pair Programming exercise. Then, the last half of the class, you will write your first Java computer program in class.

Be sure to read the Definition of an Algorithm blog entry. Remember, we will be having a quiz on each Spartan day. Guess what will be in the first quiz???

Pair Programming
Here is the wikipedia definition of Pair Programming: We will consider these questions in our debrief:

  • How did you feel when you were drawing solo vs. drawing in a pair?
  • What do you notice is the same or different about the solo and pair drawings?
  • Which of the drawing are more artistic or more orginal - the solo or pair drawings?
  • Did you find yourself concentrating more or less during pairing?
  • Was it more fun to draw alone or in a pair?
  • What did you like and what didn't you like about drawing alone or in a pair?
  • What was it like not knowing what your pair would draw next?
  • Did you find yourself mirroring your pair? (For example, your pair draws an ear and than you draw an ear).
  • Do you think that people get better at pairing over time?
  • How do you think the simulation differs from real-world pair programming?
Our First Program
Traditionally, the first program that every programmer writes when learning a new language is "Hello World." All the program does is to print Hello World on the screen. But, in order for that to happen, several steps must be taken.

For your reference, here is an explanation of the Hello World program in Java -- line by line. It is a short, but powerful, program. The link:

You will do three versions of the program today. The first version will print:

Hello World!

The second version will print:


The third version will display "Hello World from [your name]" with one word on each line as shown in the example below:


Congratulations on your first Java programming today!

P.S. If you are one of the three people who missed getting the 5 points for reading the blog and writing the secret word on a piece of paper with your name, here's you chance for a make-up. Today's secret word is: Java! Get it to me on a piece of paper during the first 5 minutes of class.

Class Info: Definition of an Algorithm using SEXI

State: An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions to accomplish a task
Elaborate: We use algorithms often. If we microwave a dinner, we follow steps to take it out of the box, put it in the microwave, etc. In the case of computers and computer programs, instructions need to be very detailed. When we write a computer program, first we create the algorithm (or step-by-step instructions). Then we code the algorithm into a computer language.
eXemplify: An example of an algorithm is a recipe for cooking brownies. The recipe gives us a list of needed ingredients (or given materials) and a set of step-by-step instructions for using the ingredients. In the case of a computer program, we are given the start or beginning state (like being given a list of ingredients) and then create the step-by-step list of instructions.
Illustrate: Creating an algorithm is like planning a party. First we decide on the basic givens: who is hosting the party; where it is to be held; and who is to be invited. Then, we create the step-by-step list of activities needed to make the party successful: buying food, getting music, inviting guests, etc.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Question of the Week #1 - Due 8/28/2009 by 11:00 PM

[Your first question of the week is worth 25 points maximum. It is due no later than 11:00 PM on Friday, 8/28/2009. Your blog reflection must be 250 words in length or longer.]

Background: Your great great grandparents (your grandparents' grandparents) were born before MP3 players were invented. As a matter of fact, in their time, there may not have been any electricity or plumbling in their home. Your task is to use SEXI to explain to your great great grandparents what an MP3 player like an ipod is, what an MP3 file is, how to create an MP3 file, and how to play it. Give your great great grandparents step-by-step instructions on how to download and play a song on an ipod or other MP3 player.

Question: One of your great great grandparents picks up an ipod or other MP3 player and hears sound coming from it. You are asked: What is this?

First Class: 8/26/09

1) If you are reading this before class, do this for 5 points: Write your name on a piece of paper, write yesterday's secret word of the day on a piece of paper, fold the paper and put it on Mrs. Clingingsmith's desk before 2:00 PM. This exercise is worth 5 points.

2) Today there is a 5 point quiz. Login to the quiz, only when Mrs. Clingingsmith tells you, at this web site:

3) Create a blog for yourself at

4) Email your email address and blog address to Mrs. Clingingsmith at: This assignment is worth 10 points if both addresses work.

Do all of the above before 2:30 PM. At 2:30 PM, we will talk about SEXI and algorithms.

Welcome to Computer Programming!

Welcome to our very first class! Be sure to check this blog before every class for announcements.

And, here's the secret word of the day: Brainfood!