Thursday, November 29, 2007

ICA-CP 11/29/07 - Really re-take test

Good morning!

The Internet is up and running. We can really, really re-take our online quiz this morning. The link is:

If you are not re-taking the quiz and/or once you have finished, please continue working on your Eliza program.

Monday, November 26, 2007

ICA-CP: 11/27/07 - Re-take quiz

Good morning!

OK. It's quiz re-take day. You may use all of your cheat sheets. If you are not re-taking the quiz, please work on your Eliza program. Once you are finished with the quiz, please work on Eliza. If you are ready to use StringTokenizer, here's a reference: Also, please read about poor Megan's myspace experience in our question of the week.

The link to the quiz is:

Week 5 (11/26/07-11/30/07) - Question of the Week

(This week's question should be at least 200 words since we have two class meetings.)

Here's the question: What do you think of people who make up "characters" and pretend to be someone else on myspace and facebook -- are they dangerous?

Background: Myspace and Facebook are great places to meet people. You can be anonymous. You can be someone else. But, there are dangers to that. Read this article about Megan in St. Louis who committed suicide because some neighbors were "messing with her emotions." No laws were broken. But, is there an ethical side to this story? See:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

ICA-CP: 11/21/07 - Review OOP

Good morning!

Today, all of your Eliza program was due (originally). Please read the class blog about your Eliza program. Also, we go over OOP concepts. Please remember: Tuesday of next week is the quiz re-take. Be sure to bring all of your "cheat sheets."

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ICA-CP Class Info: Eliza Program

Here's what we're doing with the your Eliza programs. You should all be working on Stage 1 right now.

Stage 1: Your team should be creating a psychiatrist program that takes user input from the keyboard as one word, matches that word with your psychiatrist response, and displays that response on the screen. This means you need to use TerminalIO.KeyboardReader to get the user input. Here's the pseudo-code that was on the board yesterday:

import TerminalIO.KeyboardReader;
public class myEliza
public static void main (String[] args)
KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader(); /* This instantiates an object with the
variable name of reader. */
String whatUserTyped = "hi"; /* Creates a string variable called whatUserTyped and initializes the value of whatUserTyped to "hi". */
whatUserTyped = reader.readLine(); // Get what the user typed at the keyboard
if (whatUserTyped.equals("happy")
System.out.println("Hurray for you!");
// Put the rest of you if statements with Eliza responses here.
} // close main
? // close class

Stage 2:
Once you get Stage 1 working, then add a while loop and other needed messages to your user that keeps taking user input until the user types the word, Done.

Stage 3: Now, add StringTokenizer so your user may type whole sentences, and your program is able to pick out the emotion word to display a response. We will go over StringTokenizer next week. But first, everyone in our class has to understand the basic Java syntax and OOP concepts.

Stage 4: Do the flow chart and documentation.

I'm changing the due date. All of the above is due on the last day of class for the semester. Also, the point value is changed. This is the whole of your semester project and is worth 150 instead of 75 points. No late work will be accepted because grades for the semester will be due from teachers.

ICA-CP: 11/19/07 - Review

Here's what we did on Monday:

Everyone received back their quiz results. The quiz will be given again on Tueaday, 11/27/07. If you didn't like your score, you may take the exam again, and the higher of the two scores will be used for your grade.

We reviewed Java syntax concepts today. We also worked on our Eliza programs. On Weds., we will review Object Oriented Programming concepts. All this is in preparation for the Tues. quiz re-take. The quiz on Tuesday will be pretty much the same, with some slight changes.

The due date for the Eliza program is postponed until we go over the StringTokenizer library.

Week 4 (11/19/07-11/23/07) - Question of the Week

(This week's question should be at least 200 words since we have two class meetings. It is due on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, at 5:00 PM.)

Here's the question: Do you think that using other's wireless access to the internet without telling or asking them is OK? Or, do you think that the owner of the wireless access should take steps to secure it?

Background: We have heard that ICA neighbors sit on the steps and use the school's wireless. (BTW, our wireless will be passworded after Thanksgiving.) In apartments, friends of mine have used their neighbor's wireless and saved themselves the cost of installing DSL. (This slows down their neighbor's Internet access speeds.) Plus, here's a short article from ZDnet:

Thursday, November 15, 2007

ICA-CP 11/15/07 - Online Quiz today

Good afternoon!

Today is quiz day. Your quiz is 51 questions for 100 points. It is online at this web address:

But wait! First get used to the online environment by doing this practice quiz which will not be part of your grade: It's four questions long.

You have all period to finish the quiz. When you are done, work on your Eliza program making NO NOISE while others finish the taking the quiz.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ICA-CP: 11/13/07 - Get ready for quiz

Good afternoon!

On Thursday, we have a quiz. So, today is review day. Then, we'll work on Eliza a bit.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Week 3 (11/12/07-11/16/07) - Question of the Week

(This week's question should be at least 200 words since we have two class meetings.)

Here's the question: Do you think countries should censor which web sites their citizens visit and invade their privacy by reading their email if citizens disagree with govenment policies?

Background: Different countries censor what web sites their citizens may visit. Arabia routes all Internet requests through something called a proxy server. A proxy server can limit what Internet addresses may be accessed across the world. In China, the country is too big for proxy servers. In Internet Cafes in China, they have video cameras. If you are seen going to a forbidden web site, like BBC or MSNBC news, you can be arrested. Also, there is no guarantee of privacy in China. See the article on Yahoo captioned: "Internet giant Yahoo has been accused of supplying information to China which led to the jailing of a journalist for "divulging state secrets". The whole article is here:

ICA-CP: 11/8/07 - OOP Slides and Pseudo Code

Good morning!

We are going to have a quiz next Thursday, 11/15/07, worth 100 points. (Everyone got a break because seniors were gone on their retreat.)

Seniors: Last class we looked at 2 slide presentations, one on how to make podcasts using Audacity and the other on free software you can download. There slide sets are linked to the 11/6/07 class blog entry. Take a look! Of special interest: AVG which is a free antivirus program and OpenOffice which is a free version of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

Today, we are going to review Object Oriented Programming concepts in this slide set: Plus, we are doing to create pseudo-code for your Eliza project. Here's a reference to stringtokenizer, How to break a String into tokens with the StringTokenizer class, at:

Your quiz will include Object Oriented Programming concepts, pseudo-code and stringtokenizer concepts, flow charting, and everything on your 5 "cheat sheets."

Due dates of note: Your working Eliza program is due 11/21/07 and is worth 45 points. The flow chart, documentation, and comments in your code for Eliza (worth 10 points each for a total of 30 points) are due on 11/29/07 by the end of class that day.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

ICA-CP: 11/6/07 - Basic Podcast and Free Software

Good morning!

Juniors, you have a reprieve on the test! I forgot that seniors wouldn't be here when I set the quiz date. So, instead we are going to do two different, fun activities. First, we're going to look at some free but useful software you can get. Then, we are going to have a lesson on how to use Audacity to make podcasts.

The slide set for the free software is here:

The slide set for using Audacity to create a podcast is here:

Friday, November 02, 2007

ICA-CP: 11/2/07

Good morning!

OK, we didn't have a quiz today. But, we did go over a lot of new material. We will have a quiz on Tuesday, 11/6/07, covering:
1) flow charting
2) all the info we covered on classes today
3) info on applets, including the SEXI explanation in the blog

ICA-CP INFO: More info on Applets


1) Written in Java

2) Runs in a web browser

3) Platform independent (run on a cell phone, MAC, PC, etc.)


1) Doesn't need a main method; uses a browser to start execution

2) Embedded (or encapsulated) in html, which stands for hypertext markup language. Html is the language used to make web sites

3) Animations

4) Sounds

5) Is copied over the Internet to the local computer

6) May use Java libraries of applets

7) Use reserved word code = instead of import

8) Html reserved words come in pairs between greater-than and less-than signs, with the closing pair starting with a slash.


1) Library, lake.class, used to make picture reflections (Halloween pictures)

2) Lake.class has parameters which may make the picture optionally rock up and down, change the size of the canvas, or appear as if the picture is viewed from underwater.


1) Copied over Internet to local computer -> like hitchhiking or piggybacking

2) Embedded or encapsulated in html --> like a box inside a box inside a box