Monday, October 30, 2006

ICA-CP: 10/31/06 - Happy Halloween Applets

Happy Halloween!

Today in honor of Halloween, we are experimenting with Java applets. First, what makes a regular Java program start executing? Answer: It's the main (remember, public static void main (string [] args) ?). Well, an applet is a Java program that executes in a web browser. Since the web browser starts execution, a main is not needed.

Our applets will be using a Java library called lakes.class. The lakes.class library will allow us to make some interesting Halloween applets. For samples, see

Your exercise is to make three applets with at least three different pictures using the lake reflection, rocking, and underwater options. Begin by copying the applets folder to your C:\ drive from the R:\ drive. It contains the html and pictures we will be using for our demo and lecture today.

Friday, October 27, 2006

ICA-CP: Quiz and more Eliza

Good afternoon!

Today is quiz day. Then, we need to clean up for open house tomorrow. The rest of the period, work on your Eliza program. Today, I would like a piece of paper with your 6 words and responses per person.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ICA-Summary: Your Own Eliza teams

Psychiatrist and Programming Teams
Falala - Jimena and Fatima
Bork - Damielle, Olivia, Brittney, Toni
Chia-pet - Leslie
Temo - Honor
Solada - Kate and Alicia
Oprah - Christina
Riri - Macrina
Quagmire - Catie, Millie, and Rachel
Bambino - Suelen

ICA-CP: 10/25/06 Our own Eliza

Good afternoon!

We will do a quick review of Java data types and and then dive into some new computer programming theory on classes and inheritance. Our quiz on Friday will cover data types, object oriented classes, and inheritance.

We are beginning the new quarter with a new assignment: Make-Your-Own-Eliza. This assignment will be worth 100 points. Your grade for Eliza will
be: 20 points algorithm, 20 points pseudo-code, 40 points running code, and 20 points documentation. Our Eliza will be an abbreviated version of the program. You may name your analyst whoever you like. You may work in a team or by yourself. Pick six emotive words for the user to enter, and have a reply for each. The user enters one word, and then sees a reply on the screen. If you work in a team, there must be 6 words with responses for each person on the team. The program continues to run until a user enters the word, "Done". You must include all of the following in your program: a while loop, a for loop, and nested if/else statements.

Due today: The name of your analyst for Make-Your-Own-Eliza and names of all on your programming team.

Monday, October 23, 2006

ICA-CP Info: Primitive Data Types

Java Primitive Data Types

First of all, we have some great reference web sites for Java data type info:

Data types explained at the Java tutorial web site

From another Java tutorial web site called Cafe Au Lait:

What we covered:
1) There are built-in data types in Java called primitive data types. Primitive data types include boolean, byte, int, double, and char.
2) There are also additional data types in Java called abstract data types. Abstract data types include String and KeyboardReader.
3) A bit is a 1 or a zero. A byte is 8 bits.
4) boolean: The size is 1 bit. The value is 1 or zero. 1 is true, and zero is false.
5) byte: The size is 8 bits. The value range is -128 to 127. 7 bits are data, and 1 bit is for the + or - sign.
6) int: The size is 4 bytes or 32 bits. The value range is -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. One bit is for the + or - sign, and 31 bits are data.
7) double: The size is 8 bytes or 64 bits. The value range is 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d.
8) char: The size is 2 bytes or 16 bits. The value range is zero to 0 to 65,535. It uses Unicode, which is a giant lookup table which assigns a character to one of the numbers, to represent the characters.
9) Casting in Java changes one data type to another. A general rule of thumb is that it is safe to cast a smaller sized data type to a larger one, like and int to a double.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

ICA-CP 10/23/06 - What's missing?

Good afternoon!

Welcome to the new quarter!! We're going to start talking about object oriented programming, classes, and data types now that we're in a new quarter. But first, take a listen:

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[Hint 1:]
[Hint 2:]

At 2:00 PM, we will start talking about data types. You have the next 10 minutes in class to figure out what might be missing from your podcast and fix it in your blog.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

ICA-CP 10/20/06

Good afternoon!

It's the last day of the quarter. As we start next quarter, here's a preview. Each person/team will be doing at least one podcast during the 2nd quarter on some topic in computer programming that will be part of a weekly ICA-CP talk show. You can do it like a play. You can write a poem. You can have fun with it. But, each week, there will be a podcast of at least 5 minutes about something in the world of computers and computing. If you choose to do your podcasting in teams, your team must do a 1 talk show program for each member on your team. Your podcasts will be evaluated according to a rubric. A rubric is a set of criteria for grading. Here's a link to the rubric we will be using from Mary D. Bradford High School in Kenosha, WI. Who will be doing the evaluating? We all will. Each of us will be using the rubric and evaluating a talk show program every week.

In addition, for the semester, there will be a semester project podcast. This may be done in teams. The podcast must be 5 minutes long for each member of the team. In contrast to the ICA-CP talk show programs, which may be about any computer programming topic, the semester projects will have to be about Java and objected oriented programming theory and concepts.

What are we doing today? Take a listen:
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ICA-CP: 10/17/06 Adding soundtracks to your podcast

Good afternoon!

The agenda for today is:
1) Go over the loop quiz answers
2) Learn how to add soundtracks to podcasts and edit in Audacity
3) Work on our podcasts -- with which we need to be finished by Friday, the last day of the quarter

This link has all the info from today, including the links to free software and the Powerpoint presentations:

Friday, October 13, 2006

ICA-CP: 10-13-06 Friday the 13th!

Happy Friday the 13th!

First of all, congratulations to Juniors today in advance for your Ring Ceremony!!

It is Friday the 13th and a quiz day. Since we have a short class, we will do Q&A for a few minutes, take our quiz, go over our quiz, then chill the rest of the class.

Stressed out? Yes, you probably are because it is quiz day on a hard topic, loops. Tell you what, I am more interested in everyone in the class understanding this rather than in whether you ace the test (or not). So, this is the last quiz (#2 of 2 loop quizes) on loops. You may re-take different versions of the two quizes until you are satisfied with your grade. Show me you understand loops, and your grade will be what you want it to be.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

ICA-CP: 10/11/06

Good morning!

Today we continue with podcasting and scripts. We'll also do a quick review for our quiz on Friday. (Friday is a short, 50 minute period due to Junior Ring.)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

ICA-CP 10/4/06


This is late since our class is almost over. But, it's a reminder that we have a quiz next class, on Friday. It will be the quiz we didn't take last week.

About scripts: Your podcast script should have everythng in it that you are going to record. If you are going to tell your name, you should have a sentence introducing yourself in your script. It's much like a radio commercial: the announcers are actually reading a script.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

ICA-CP 10/2/06: Listen to ParrotDone

Good morning!

Here's what we're doing today. First of all, take out the copy of the ParrotDone program which I gave each of you. Then, listen to the podcast which explains the program line-by-line. It's about 15 minutes long. If you understand the podcast, then you understand quite a bit about Java.

After listening to the podcast, do this:
1) Write a comment line for each line of Java code for a demo while loop program. You may chose any of the three while loops (while as a counter, while using a trigger, and do while) from the demo Java code programs. This is worth 10 points and is due by the end of class today. If it's late, you lose credit.
2) Write a script for a podcast which explains each line of the demo while loop program. Please remember to add the comments at the beginning which list the author (which will be you), date, version, classname, and description of the program. It can be fun. You can do it in rap, iambic pentameter, write a song, or whatever. But, your script must explain each line and the concept of how the while loop executes. The ParrotDone podcast gives you an example of explaining how a while loop works. This is worth 10 points and is due by the end of class today. If it's late, you lose credit.
3) Create a podcast from your script. Your podcast should be at least 3 minutes long. You may have to modify your script as you record. If you do, please turn-in a new script. We will have a tutorial on some fancier effects you may do with Audacity when I can check-out a projector this week. Your podcast will be due by end of class on Friday and is worth 20 points. (We also will have quiz on Friday, for sure.)
4) On Friday, if you finish your podcast and didn't get the ParrotDone program to run in JCreator or BlueJ, please do finish getting ParrotDone to run.

Podcast for the ParrotDone Program

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