Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer 2008 Helpdesk

To-Do List as of 6/20/08:

1) Finish ghost process on Flame and Guidance computers. Then, run Microsoft updates.
2) Vacuum and clean mice on Flame and Guidance computers.
3) Run Microsoft Update to catch the 6/10/08 Hotfix releases on computers ghosted before the 6/10 release.
4) Finish vacuuming and cleaning mice for staff and faculty computers.
5) Run Spybot and Adaware on staff and faculty computers.
6) Add a local login of student to computers in ERC, 403, Flame, and Guidance. Add the student login to the local Power Users group.
7) Ghost the 3 teacher computers against the Fair Oaks wall. Run Microsoft update. Vacuum and clean mice.
8) Reload Ms. Vaccaro's student laptop with Windows XP Pro.
9) Ghost the 4 GX260 computers in 403. Run Microsoft update. Note: We have 5 of these computers because one of the GX260s is the golden unit on the window sill in the ERC.
10) Put a new hard drive in the broken computer in Guidance, ghost it, and run Microsoft updates.
11) Put new networking board in broken 403 computer, ghost it, and run Microsoft updates.
12) Fix the 2 computers in ERC that "fell off" the domain: run new SID, delete/re-add to ICA-INFO.
13) Musical computers:
.....a) Ms. Cottrell gets one of the GX260s. Her monitor is in the server room.
.....b) S. Mary Virginia, who will reside in current Dean of Girls office (that is, it will become the new President's office, wiil get the computer in there now. [Need to wait for DLC to store off info, then ghost it.]
.....c) Mr. Contreras' computer moves with heim to the Faculty Workroom. His office becomes Mrs. Clingingsmith's office and gets the Compaq computer by her current desk (Compaq is not hooked up to anything currently). [Need to buy a new monitor]
.....d) Mrs. Cavagnaro's computer moves with her to Artic Alley. Her office becomes the new Dean of Girls Office. [Need to install wall Ethernet jack.]
.....e) The Dean of Girls office (Ms. Cavagnaro's old office) gets one of the new GX260s. [Need to buy a monitor]
.....f) Ms. Givert's computer moves with her to Artic Alley. [Need to install wall Ethernet jack.]
.....g) A GX260 goes into Ms. Givert's old office. [Need to buy a monitor]
.....h) Compaq in Finance office near Mrs. Clingingsmith's desk (computer only, monitor stays) goes to Mr. Contreras old office. [Need to buy a monitor]
.....i) Ms. Kresova's computer moves to S. Pauline's desk.
.....j) Computer on S. Pauline's desk goes to the server room (leave the monitor please for CFO's desk).
.....k) A GX260 goes to new CFO desk in Finance Office and monitor is S. Pauline's old monitor.
.....l) Coach Sideco's computer moves to Mr. Pavel's old desk in the old Student Activities office. The Athletic Director's office no longer has a computer in it.
.....m) The new person in 3rd Artic Alley office (Ms. Anne O'Dea) gets a GX260. [Need to buy a monitor.] [Need to install wall Ethernet jack.]

posted by Debra at 1:37 PM | 0 comments