Good morning!
Today we will be going over a new Java package called StringTokenizer. StringTokenizer takes a sentence and breaks it down into individual words. Each word is called a token. You will be using StringTokenizer to modify your Eliza programs so that users may type whole sentences instead of just a single word. There is a an explanation of StringTokenizer at this web site: There will be one or two questions about StringTokenizer on the test re-take next week.
For Juniors who are going on retreat, you have homework. You must take the Myers-Briggs personality inventory and have your results for our class on Tuesday next week, 2/24/2009. The Myers-Briggs inventory is worth 10 points. If you have to take the inventory in class on Tuesday, 2/24/2009, you get zero points. Here's the link: To get 10 points credit, print out the survey results page, put your name on it, and hand it to me.
Here's our calendar for this and next week:
1) Today, 2/18/2009 - Lecture on StringTokenizer. Lab working to convert Eliza to use StringTokenizer.
2) Friday, 2/20/2009 - Juniors are on retreat. The rest of us finish StringTokenizer and take the Myers-Briggs personality survery. The survery is at this link: To get 10 points credit, print out the survey results page, put your name on it, and hand it to me.
3) Tuesday, 2/24/2009 - Lecture: Review of Java syntax concepts again for test re-take on Thursday, 2/26/09. Lab: Create a program to print Myers-Briggs results. Due today by the end of class for 50 points: Eliza with StringTokenizer.
4) Thursday, 2/26/2009 - Re-take Java syntax test. Lab: Work on Myers-Briggs program. Due today by the end of class for 50 points: Myers-Briggs program.
We have a new blog on computer game design. It is: This and next week's Question of the Week will be on computer gaming. Next week's question of the week will be based on the links to artibles at In March, we start working on computer game design.