ICA-CP: 2/18/2009
Good morning!
Today we will be going over a new Java package called StringTokenizer. StringTokenizer takes a sentence and breaks it down into individual words. Each word is called a token. You will be using StringTokenizer to modify your Eliza programs so that users may type whole sentences instead of just a single word. There is a an explanation of StringTokenizer at this web site: http://www.devdaily.com/java/edu/pj/pj010006/pj010006.shtml There will be one or two questions about StringTokenizer on the test re-take next week.
For Juniors who are going on retreat, you have homework. You must take the Myers-Briggs personality inventory and have your results for our class on Tuesday next week, 2/24/2009. The Myers-Briggs inventory is worth 10 points. If you have to take the inventory in class on Tuesday, 2/24/2009, you get zero points. Here's the link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm. To get 10 points credit, print out the survey results page, put your name on it, and hand it to me.
Here's our calendar for this and next week:
1) Today, 2/18/2009 - Lecture on StringTokenizer. Lab working to convert Eliza to use StringTokenizer.
2) Friday, 2/20/2009 - Juniors are on retreat. The rest of us finish StringTokenizer and take the Myers-Briggs personality survery. The survery is at this link: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm. To get 10 points credit, print out the survey results page, put your name on it, and hand it to me.
3) Tuesday, 2/24/2009 - Lecture: Review of Java syntax concepts again for test re-take on Thursday, 2/26/09. Lab: Create a program to print Myers-Briggs results. Due today by the end of class for 50 points: Eliza with StringTokenizer.
4) Thursday, 2/26/2009 - Re-take Java syntax test. Lab: Work on Myers-Briggs program. Due today by the end of class for 50 points: Myers-Briggs program.
We have a new blog on computer game design. It is: http://ica-gamedesign.blogspot.com/. This and next week's Question of the Week will be on computer gaming. Next week's question of the week will be based on the links to artibles at ica-gamedesign.blogspot.com. In March, we start working on computer game design.
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