Good morning!
Today we begin part one of our semester projects. Each person will be assigned a unique maze. The mazes are on the R drive in a folder called
26 Karel the Robot Mazes. The goal is to write a program that lets Karel navigate the maze, picking up every beeper along the way. At the end of the maze, Karel will drop all of the beepers, then turn off.
Your program must include the comment lines with your name, program version, date, name of the program, goal of your program, and description of the program. You will be graded on whether your program was designed to run at a basic (67%-76%), intermediate (77%-86%), advanced (87%-95%) or elegant level (95-100%).
Basic: Karel gets through the maze, picks up all beepers, and drops all the beepers at the end without error. Each primitive command to direct Karel to turn, move, etc. is written into the program.
Intermediate: The program uses if, while, and define statements. The program creates new commands, like turnright or mymove. It uses some conditions (like, frontIsClear) with the control statements if and while to direct Karel through the maze.
Advanced: The Karel program allows the robot to navigate almost he entire maze by detecting conditions and then responding. For example, if frontIsBlocked and leftIsClear, Karel makes the decision to turn left.
Elegant: Karel navigates the maze completely by making decisions. Your program is so automated that it will run on a different maze with less than 10% code changes.
OK, now to begin . . .
Step 1) Get your maze assignement.
Step 2) Copy the maze from the R drive to your computer.
Step 3) Open up the maze in Karel. Trace the maze, and make sure there are no dead ends.
Step 4) Start designing your program. You may use code from YOUR previous Karel programs.