Thursday, August 21, 2008


State: SEXI is an acronym for a four-step process which stands for State, Elaborate, eXemplify, and Illustrate.
Elaborate: SEXI is a thinking tool created by the Foundation for Critical Thinking at Sonoma State University. For more information on the foundation, here is their web site: In the State step 1, we give a summary or short definition of the concept. In the Elaborate step 2, we give more details. With eXemplify in step 3, we provide examples of the concept. With step 4, Illustrate, we give analogies using words "like" and "as." An example of an illustration is "Life is like a box of chocolates."
eXemplify: As an example, I could use SEXI to explain Walk-A-Thon to an 8th grader. (State) At ICA, we have a year fundraiser called the Walk-A-Thon. (Elaborate) The whole school participates in the Walk-A-Thon. We walk different routes, which in the past have included walking through Golden Gate Park. To raise money, each student gets sponsors to donate for each mile walked or for completing the whole course. The classes compete against each other to see who raises the most money. In the past, we have used the money raised to buy computers for student use at school. (eXemplify) For example, last year we walked through Golden Gate Park, and raised almost $1300.00 for ICA. (Illustrate) The ICA Walk-A-Thon is like an aerobic workout for a good cause: we raise our fitness levels and money for the school at the same time.
Illustrate: Knowing how to use SEXI is like knowing how to use an iPod, Windows Media Player, and a radio. We want to listen to music, but we have different choices in making it happen. With SEXI, we have another way of explaining ideas.


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