Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ICA-CP: Syntax of if

State: The if statement executes commands if the condition is met.

Here is the syntax:
if ( [the condition is met] )

// do what is between the braces


Here's an example from Karel the Robot:

if (frontIsBlocked)

Illustrate: Using a if statement is like being a ticket collector at a Giants game. If you meet the condition of having a ticket, the ticket collector takes your ticket. Then you can go into the game.

ICA-CP: 10/22/08

Good morning!

Today, continue working on Karel assignments 4-8. We have new brainfood. Also, below is a summary of what we discussed last class. Your Karel assignments 4-8 will be graded using these as part of the criteria.

Program Style for Karel Programs
Basic Each move Karel makes is a separate command in the program.
Intermediate: The separate commands that repeat are grouped by iterate commands. If/Else and while loops are used.
Advanced: The define command is used to create new commands. These commands are used in the program. For example, a turnright command is created by including three turnleft statements in a define.
Elegant: The program is designed to traverse a maze by using conditions which indicate to Karel which way to move. In other words, the simulation makes decisions and gets around obstables on its own. The program may work on more than one maze.

Program Comments Required
// [Programmer's Name
// [Date]
// [Program Name]
// [Program Start Conditions]
// [Goal and/or Purpose of the Program

Due Date for Karel Assignments 4-8: Friday, 10/24/08

Monday, October 20, 2008

ICA-CP: 10/20/08

Good morning!

We have our birthday celebration planned for 11/24/08 for those having birthdays in August, September, October, and November.

As we begin the new quarter, here's a head's
for grading.

Grading info for Q2 and S1:

1) Your S1 grade is the average of Q1 and Q2 quarter grades.
2) We do not have a final exam. However, we do have a semester programming project that is worth a maximum of 200 points. The semester programming project will be due by the end of class on the last day of class for the semester.
3) There will be 10 Question of the Week blogs in Q2. As usual, each is due by 5:00 PM of Friday each week and is worth 25 points. If it is late, 5 points will be taken off. So, the maximum will be 20 points if it is late. Since there are 10 weeks with a possible 25 points each week, blogs will contribute a possible 250 points toward your Q2 grade.
3) For Q2, there will be a possible 700 points possible. Based on the maximum possible of 700 points, below are the points needed for each grade:

A 672-700
A- 630-671
B+ 609-629
B 581-608
B- 560-580
C+ 539-559
C 511-538
C- 490-537
D+ 469-489
D 441-468
D- 420-440
F 0-420

4) Extra credit work will not be available.
5) If you need extra time for an assignment, contact me for a tutorial or to have the 403 lab opened at lunch time on white days.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ICA-CP: 10/16/08

Good morning!

Please turn-in your Algorithms #3 assignment today. It will count toward Q2 grades instead of Q1.

Our Question of the Week has to do with creatng videos of teens beating up other teens just to post on You Tube. Since we have only one class meeting this week, we will make this question due next Friday. Also, it's time to plan a birthday party.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Question of the Week - Due 10/24/08

The Internet makes video available to the world almost instantly. Want to be famous (or notorius)? Just pick up a camcorder or webcam, and load your video to You Tube. You can make or break a reputation for yourself in a few minutes of upload time. Some teens are using You Tube to make a negative reputation for themselves -- brutally beating others so video of the event can be displayed on You Tube, along with bragging rights. Both girls and boys gangs are participating in this new form of exhibitionism. Others are filming themselves performing dangerous stunts.

Here are some links:,2933,347949,00.html

The allure of infamey on the Internet seems to be inciting violent or dangerous behavior in some teens. Do you agree or disagree? Do you think the ease of posting on the Internet does (or does not) motivate some violent behaviors? What are some of the dangers that may affect us? What should be done about such violence? Is censorship a solution?

Friday, October 10, 2008

ICA-CP: 10/10/08

Good morning!

I'm sorry that I can't be with you today. Please finish your Karel "Derive an Algorithm #3" today. Roneisha will be there to initial that you created your Karel Worlds, and that your programs ran correctly. Turn in your assignment sheet and attach a printout of each "Execute" screen that shows your world and Java code for each of the three assignments. Please turn them into your sibstitute teacher today, by the end of class.

See you next week!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ICA-CP: 10/8/08

Good morning!

We are doing another algorithm exercise today. This time, you create the maze and save the world. Then you write the Java code. There are two check-offs for this exercise: one when you save each world you create, and a second when you get your Java code to run for each world.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Question of the Week - Due 10/10/08


Yours is the first generation to be connected to each other at the touch of a few buttons with cell phones. We have all become attached to our cell phones -- maybe too attched?

See these links:

Question of the Week:

How attached are you to your cell phone? What if you did not have use of a cell phone for a month? Do you think our attachment to our cell phones is good? bad? neutral?

Question of the Week - due 10/3/08

We had a break this week. There was no question of the week.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

ICA-CP: 10/2/08 - Deriving algorithms

Good afternoon!

We started deriving the start condition(s), algorithm, and pseudo-code for Karel the Robot assignment #5 in our last class. We will continue with this class. Also, we have a quiz today on deriving algorithms. Are you ready?