Update about last day of class celebration 12/18/07
We have an update on our end of the semester and birthdays celebration on Tuesday, 12/18/07. Development #1: I can't find a good, nearby Chinese restaurant that is open early in the morning and that will supply us with our menu items in time for our class. Development #2: We can't have Chinese food in 403. If we want Chinese, we need to go to the cafeteria. But, we don't have enough time to do that on Tuesday.
So, as a result, Tuesday's celebration is just an end of the semester celebration. The good news is that we'll defer the November and December birthdays celebration to January, and have a bigger combined birthdays bash. The better news is that we'll have Noah's bagels as my treat on Tuesday to celebrate the end of the semester. I'm picking up our chocolate chip, cinnamon raisin, and blueberry bagels at 7:00 AM. So, they'll be fresh to smear with cream cheese.