ICA-CP INFO: Making Your Halloween Applet
Step 1) Copy the Halloween Applets subdirectory from the R drive onto your computer.
Step 2) Open the directory. Click on any file ending in .html to run the applet.
Step 3) Please note: An html file is what Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or any other browser uses to display web pages. In the Halloween applets, the html files (ghostfire.html, pumpkin-under-water.html, and kids.html) call an applet. The applet lives in the lake.class file. The html file sends instructions to the applet when it runs. You can modify the instructions to make your image look like it is under water or rock.
Step 4) There are 13 lake.class Halloween demos in the ghost.zip file that is on the R drive in the Halloween Applets subdirectory. Unzip it to try more examples of running the lake.class applet in html.
Here's a web site with a tutorial if you would like more info: