Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Class Info: What is SEXI?

SEXI is an acronym for:

Using SEXI to explain SEXI ...

State: SEXI is a four-step method for explaining ideas, concepts, how-to's, and other information to others. The four steps are state, explain, exemplify, and illustrate.

Explain: The SEXI method was created by the Foundation for Critical Thinking as a tool to help critical thinking individuals explain ideas to others. It helps the critical thinker to understand a topic before trying to share the information about it with others. The State step is a brief definition of the topic. The Explain step is where further details and descriptions are provided. Exemplify is where examples are given. In the final step, Illustrate, the critical thinker helps others understand the topic by drawing analogies or making comparisons to other familiar concepts.

Exemplify: We used the SEXI method to describe White Rabbit candy (which we were all eating today). State: White Rabbit is a bite-sized piece of hard candy. Explain: It is a Chinese candy made in Shanghai. It is creamy and white, and has an edible rice paper wrapper. It also comes in a chocolate flavor. Exemplify: Examples of White Rabbit are the original and chocolate flavors. Illustrate: White Rabbit has a unique flavor that is similar in uniqueness to Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. Tigger said, "But the wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one." There is only one White Rabbit candy.

Illustrate: We use SEXI like we use an algorithm. It is a step-by-step method for explaining ideas and concepts to others.


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