Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ICA-CP: 8/28/07 - First Program

Good morning!

Today we are going to experience a landmark event! TODAY we are running our first Java programs.

First, some concepts:
1) We will use the CASE method, better known as code reusability.
2) Even though we use the case method, each of you needs to use critical thinking skills to understand what your Java programs are doing.

Next, the instructions to create, compile, and run your first program are in a Acrobat Reader file located on the R drive in Clingingsmith,Debbie\Computer Programming Class\HelloWorld. The name of the file is: HelloWorld Instrictions.pdf
You must go to this link to get the code for one of the steps:

Once you have successfully run your first program (CONGRATULATIONS!), get one of our Fundementals of Java books and create a program similar to the one on page 35. You may be as creative as you wish. But, print your best picture for me. Save your program on your flash drive. Name your program: "FirstProgram.java."

So, what you should turn into me today: a printout of your best "Hello Java" picture for me. Make sure your name is on your printout. Save the Word file with your picture on your flash drive. Name it "First Program Output."

I will be collecting your flash drives once a month to make sure all of your work is stored on them. You should have the following files on your flash drive by the end of today:
1) Your pair programming pros and cons
2) Your team's algorithms for tying shoelaces and making a cheese sandwich cracker
3) Your FirstProgram.java file
4) Your First Program Output.doc file


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