Thursday, October 08, 2009

Adding the TerminalIO Library to BlueJ

Good morning!

To make your Parrot program compile and run, a library is needed. The library is on the R Drive under my name in the folder, TerminalIO Library. To use the library, please follow these steps:

1) Go to MyComputer and find the folder: C:\BlueJ\lib\userlib. You will be copying a file into this folder.

2) Go to the R Drive and find the folder: R:\Clingingsmith,Debbie\TerminalIO Library There should be a file named TerminalIO.jar in the folder.

3) Copy (do not drag it, but right click and copy!) the file to the C:\BlueJ\lib\userlib folder you found in Step 1.

4) Now, start BlueJ. In BlueJ, you have to add the TerminalIO.jar file to the list of libraries in BlueJ.

5) To add the TerminalIO.jar file to the library list, click Tools --> Preferences. A window should open. Click on the Libraries tab. In the Libraries tab, click the Add button. Another window should open. Go to the C:\BlueJ\lib\userlib folder and click on the TerminalIO.jar file. Then click on all buttons necessary in BlueJ to finish adding the file to the libraries.

6) Now, BlueJ will indicate that you have to exit and restart BlueJ to use the TerminalIO library file. Once you do, your Parrot and Eliza programs should compile.


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