Wednesday, May 06, 2009

ICA-CP: 5/6/2009 - Applet

OK gang, the JADs aren't working in Motodev. So, we are switching to applets. Instead of downloading, installing, and running 3 JAD games in Motodev, get 3 applets and run them in a web browser.

Here is some background:
1) All standalone Java programs have a main method that starts the program running. However, an applet is not a standalone Java program. An applet needs a browser, like Firefox, to start it running.

2) When you get an applet, it is probably zipped or compressed. To uncompress the file, right click on it and select Extract All from the Windows drop down menu.

3) Once you uncompress the zip file, you should have a .htm or .html and at least a .class file, which is the compiled Java code. To run your applet, click the .htm or .html file. You must have a .class file and a .html file. You may also have additional file if your program includes the source code (a .java file) and pictures (probably .gif or .jpg files).

4) If you do not have an .htm or .html file in you zip package, you may make your own. Or, you may keep looking for applet .zip files which already have a .htm/.html file made for you.

DO NOT CHANGE YOUR ELIZA TO A JAD! We will do something else next class.


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