Thursday, January 08, 2009

ICA-CP: 1/6/09 - Contiinuing with Eliza


This is a recap of our class on Tuesday.

(1) Our Eliza programs are due by the end of class on Monday since no one finished before the end of the semester. Please see the ICA-CP: 12/3/2008 - Eliza class blog for the original details. Here are amended details since you didn't finish your programs.

On the Eliza Check-Off List which your team turned into me:
(a) Your 7 emotive words and responses per person are worth 25 points.
(b) Your algorithm is worth 25 points.
(c) Your pseudocode is worth 25 points.
This is a possible 75 points that will go onto Quarter 3 grades.

(d) Your actual running program will go onto Quarter 4 grades with a potential point value of 125 points. The maximum point values are: 75 points for a basic program, 100 points for an intermediate program, and 125 points for an advanced program.

As of Monday, we will have spent 8 class meetings on our Eliza program. If you had spent classroom time wisely, that would have been more than enough time to complete a basic level program. Also, I asked on Tuesday's class whether anyone needed help and if anyone was stuck with little response. So, I assume all is going well with your programming. Plese note that no programs will be accepted after the end of class on Monday, 1/12/09. You should turn in your programs to me on Monday whether they are running or not for partial credit. In order to get credit for a running program, you must show me a running version AND have me initial a printout of the version of your Java program that you did show me.


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